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TMDE - AVCOM Analog Spectrum Analyzers

It's recommended that TSCM teams keep a lightweight, battery powered, low band (to 3 GHz) spectrum analyzer as a secondary unit.

This provides a backup unit as microwave spectrum analyzers tend to be temperamental when bounced around in the field (or when transported by aircraft).

It is also advisable to have a lightweight system which can be carried up phone poles, ceiling plenums, air ducts, crawl spaces, and elevators shafts easily.

Avcom PSA-65C Avcom SDM-42A

The AVCOM PSA-65C (with Mixers) makes a good light weight backup system, recommended and used by the pros. A properly configured AVCOM PSA-65C system will provide frequency coverage from 100 kHz to 4.2 GHz.

Also, you should install a AVCOM SDM-42 SDU (IF Panadapter) on all search receivers or TSCM sets to provide a 10.7 MHz IF display. With a footprint of 8.25 by 11 inches the SDM-42 easily fits into most equipment cases and rack mounted systems.

Avcom PSR-3000 Avcom SDM-42A

The AVCOM PSR-3000 Video Surveillance receiver (with SDM-42 SDU) makes locating hidden microwave video transmitters quite easy.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the equipment listed on this page then please contact us. Granite Island Group offers a full line of communications and technical security products ranging from inexpensive body worn bug detectors to full TSCM deployment kits suitable for high threat corporate and diplomatic TSCM inspections.

Our prices and terms are very competitive, and we offer only the highest quality equipment available in the industry.

AVCOM Model # Description Cost $US
PSA-65C System
PSA-65CPortable Spectrum Analyzer 3,375.00
PSA65CoptionFM Demodulator 215.00
PSA65Coption10 kHz Resolution Bandwidth 325.00
PSA65CoptionAM Detector 137.50
PSA65CoptionOscilloscope Interface 210.00
PSA-65C Accessories
PSA65CaccesFreq. Extender 1250 - 2500 MHz 650.00
PSA65CaccesFreq. Extender 2500 - 3750 MHz 650.00
PSA65CaccesFreq. Extender 1250 - 3750 MHz Combo 1,300.00
PSA65CaccesFreq. Extender 3750 - 4200 MHz 650.00
PSA65CaccesFreq. Extender 1 GHz - 2 GHz 650.00
PSA65CaccesFreq. Extender 2 GHz - 3 GHz 650.00
PSA65CaccesFreq. Extender 3.7GHz-4.2GHz 650.00
BNG-1000Broadband Noise Generator 550.00
AVSACCordura carrying Case 105.00
LPA-1000ALog Periodic Antenna 505.00
RFP-24Preamplifier (-22db gain through 2GHz) 265.00
DCP-20DC Block and Power Inserter 84.95
WCA-4AWaveguide to Coax Adapter (3.7 - 4.2 GHz) 92.00
WCA-11Waveguide to Coax Adapter (11.25 - 12.75 GHz) 129.00
QRM-35Quick Release Rackmount Kit 265.00
SDM-42 Spectrum Display Monitor
SDM-42Spectrum Display Monitor 1,405.00
SDM-42optionAdditional IF Input 245.00
SDM-42optionCustom BW Filter Inquire
SDM-42optionCustom Frequency Inquire
Surveillance Video Receiver/Monitor
PTR-25DPortable Test Receiver (950 - 2050 MHz) CRT 1,625.00
PTR-25LCDPortable Test Receiver (950 - 2050 MHz) LCD 1,870.00
PSR-4000ASurveillance Rcvr w/ Remote Downconverter 2,260.00
PSR-3000DMicrowave Video Receiver w/Monitor 2,750.00
PSR-3000LCDMicrowave Video Receiver w/ LCD Monitor 3,005.00
RDC-4000Remote Downconverter 555.00
MVT-3000AMicrowave Video Transmitter (1.7-1.95GHz) 2,190.00
MVT-3000AMicrowave Video Transmitter (2.4-2.5GHz) 2,190.00
MVTMVT-3000A Audio Option 425.00
LNA-2.4Low Noise Amplifier 265.00
20"Parabolic Antenna w/Feed & LNA 475.00
24"Parabolic Antenna w/Feed & LNA 525.00
PAF-2500-20Parabolic Antenna w/Feed, Frame & Legs 250.00
OGA-2500-3Omnidirectional Gain Antenna, 3db 79.00
OGA-2500-9Omnidirectional Gain Antenna, 9db 105.00
FPA-2500-11Single Element Microstrip Antenna, 11db 189.00
FPA-2500-14Dual Element Microstrip Antenna, 14db 260.00

Advanced TSCM Signals Detection and Analysis
TSCM - Sweeping the Spectrum for Eavesdropping Devices

| Home | What is TSCM | Types of Bugs | Warning Signs You're Bugged |
| How To Behave if Bugged | TSCM Threat Levels | How To Engage a TSCM Firm |
| Qualifications | TSCM Protocol | Bug Frequencies | Phone Taps and Bugging |
| Signal Analysis | TDR Analysis | TDR Tutorial | Wiretapping | Training | Tools |
| Equipment | OSC-5000 | Kaiser | Riser Bond | Avcom | Search Rcvrs |
| Outside Links | Recommended TSCM Books | TSCM Reference Library |
| Recommended U.S. TSCM Firms | TSCM-L Mailing List |


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