Spectral Analysis of Various RF Bugging Devices

Left: Clear RF Spectrum (No Bug)
Right: Same RF Spectrum (Bug turned on)

Left: Clear RF Spectrum (No Bugs) - Broadcast FM Band
Right: Same RF Spectrum (Bug on and "Snuggled") - Broadcast FM Band

Left: Detail Scan of Snuggled Bug - Broadcast FM Band
Right: Close-In view of Same Device (Notice Wide FM Modulation "Jitters")
(This reading was taken at a distance of six inches from the antenna)

Left: Body Wire Covert Transmitter/Wireless Microphone
Right: Digital Burst Bumper Beeper
(Digital noise to the left of the spike, dead give-away of digital device)

Left: 155 MHz Telephone Bug
Right: Microwave Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopper (1.713GHz)

Left: Carrier Current Audio Bug (355kHz VLF) - Bugged Electrical Outlet
Right: Covert Video CCD Camera (VLF Emission) 15.750kHz - Hidden in light
Spectragram of Spread Spectrum Transmitter, dispersion "view" is 300 MHz, the
bug is the "hump" on the left third (75 MHz) of the display.

Left: Burst Audio Bug (turned OFF)
Right: Same Burst Audio Bug (turned ON)
Note: The "hump" on the right is caused by the digital circuitry in the device.

This is the 3.6 second data burst which occurs once every 6 hours.
The audio is digitized, compressed, and held for burst transmission.

Left: Ultra Low Power "Part 15" FM Bug
Right: Audio Bug Hidden next to TV Channel, very easy to miss

This is a Multi-Trace Spectrum Analysis of a Wideband Frequency Hopping bug.
The device covers 50 MHz of bandwidth, spectrum was swept (chirped) 500 times per second.

Your Turn, Do YOU see any Bugs on this spectrum display?

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or send a letter via US Mail to:
James M. Atkinson
Granite Island Group
127 Eastern Avenue #291
Gloucester, MA 01931-8008
or call:
Telephone: (978) 381-9111
URL: http://www.tscm.com/
Copyright ©2002, Granite Island Group