Comment: This quarterly bulletin is designed to keep military intelligence professionals knowledgeable of current and emerging developments I their field. It includes articles on the variety of intelligence subjects and book reports submitted by military professionals. Of special interest is "Vantage Point" section which contains the views of both the Center Commander and the Command Sergeant Major. Personal subscriptions are $6.50 per year and can be obtained from Commander, USAIC and Fort Huachuca, ATTN: ATZS-TDL-B, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-6000.
National Military Intelligence Association, Pentagon Station, Post Office Box, 46583, Washington, DC 20050-6583.
Comment: This nonprofit educational organization is composed of former or retired military intelligence officers and publishes The American Intelligence Journal and the NMIA Newsletter biannually. Every year it sponsors awards to the top military intelligence professionals, as well as occasional symposia on intelligence subjects. Membership dues are set by military rank from $11.00 to $25.00, and may be sent to the address above. Phone number: (703) 824-NMIA.
NMIA Newsletter
Comment: This magazine is written for military intelligence professionals. It presents both topical and historical articles to keep NMIA members and other readers up-to-date on issues affecting the community. Often an issue focuses on particular area of interest to the membership.
Comment: Published bimonthly by the National Intelligence Study Center. A subscription to this publication is provided as part of the dues. The newsletters provides very good book reviews of intelligence literature and highlights articles in periodicals.
Comment: This periodical draws on Western nations for its articles and its focus. The editorial board has members from Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Israel, France, Brussels, Germany, and the United States. Many of the Editorial Advisory Board members have academic affiliations. Articles for this journal present strategic views more than operations trends. Subscriptions may be obtained for $48.00 (postage included) form Frank Cass and Company Limited, Gainsborough House, 11 Gainsborough Road, London E11 1rs.
Comment: This journals an expressed purpose of providing a forum for expression. There are editors for congressional affairs, business intelligence, law enforcement and the intelligence community. The editorial board is comprised of individuals from both the intelligence and academic communities. Authors also come form theses fields and cover a wide variety of topical area. Subscription information may be obtained by writing to the Intel Publishing Group, Inc. Box 188, Stroudsburg, Pa 18360.
Surveillance (Washington, DC: National Intelligence Book Center, Published bimonthly)
Comment: This Periodical publishes book reviews for new books dealing with intelligence issues. The reviews are done by individuals reviewers or are submitted by the publishers. It is an excellent tool to locate new books useful to intelligence professionals.
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