Founded in 1987 and located near Boston, Massachusettss, Granite Island Group, is THE internationally recognized leader in the field of Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM), Bug Sweeps, Wiretap Detection, Surveillance Technology, Communications Security (COMSEC), Counter-Intelligence, Technical Security, and Spy Hunting.
Mission Statement
Granite Island Group provides expert technical, analytical and research capability for the detection, nullification, and isolation of eavesdropping devices, technical surveillance penetrations, technical surveillance hazards, and physical security weaknesses... Simply put, we hunt spies, stop espionage, and plug leaks.
Granite Island Group was initially formed to provide TSCM and SIGINT training services to the Army Intelligence School located at Fort Devens, MA. Engineering, design, and related services were also provided to various research facilities and defense contractors throughout New England. These services also included product design, fully instrumented TSCM surveys, bug sweeps, wiretap detection, SCIF compliance inspections, shielding evaluations, and other engineering services related to the technical security and protection of classified information.
Design projects included the development of several briefcase and man-pack systems used for signals exploitation and surveillance, along with suites of software products used to control test instruments for automated ECM, SIGINT, Signals Analysis, TEMPEST, TSCM and related measurements.
In 1989 the services offered were expanded to include the design, installation, and maintenance of high performance computer networks used in secure facilities. This included performing TSCM, wiretap detection, and bug sweep services on desktop computers, data networks, and PBX/ESS systems to identify weaknesses which could allow technical penetrations or the compromise of classified or sensitive information. At the time there was only one company in the entire country who could do this... and we were it.
Granite Island Group currently provides TSCM, bug sweeps, wiretap detection, and communications engineering services to a wide range of clients and has become one of the most respected names in the industry.
Granite Island Group has had an Internet presence since 1987, and James Atkinson has been active on the Internet since the mid 1970's. With the growth on the Internet in the early 1990's came an FTP/UUCP library, then an IRC reflector, and a dedicated E-Mail based list for discussion and to publish and exchange files related to TSCM and ongoing projects. With the advent of "Mosaic browsers" several years later the informational files and documents were converted to HTTP (or Hypertext Documents) and placed on a dedicated domain in 1994 (
The web site developed to over 1,950 publicly assessable documents related to TSCM, technical counter-intelligence and technical security which involves well over 78,200 printed pages. The site currently handles an average of over 4,500 visitors a day from all over the world. It is the first, the largest, and most complete site anywhere on the Internet dedicated to TSCM, Technical Counter-Intelligence, and Technical Security.

What Is Bug Sweeps and Bug Detection All About?
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
What To Do If You Think You Have Been Bugged
How To Commission Someone To Check For Bugs
Wiretapping 101 ("Outside Plant" Devices)
Phone Set Bugging and Modification Techniques
What Does a Bug Sweep Involve?
O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence hold the enemy's fate in our hands. |

Granite Island Group Mission Statement
Granite Island Group Profile and Backgrounder
Background and Qualifications - James M. Atkinson
Questions To Ask TSCM Specialists

Helpful Books to Read, and Training to Attend
TSCM-L Archives, over 10,000 messages
TSCM 101 - The Technical "Meat and Potatoes"
The following are a series of brief entry level tutorials regarding
specific areas and topics relative to TSCM and methods used to find
bugs and other eavesdropping devices.

Modeling Eavesdropping Devices
TSCM Antenna Methods and Protocols
Wireless Microphones Revisited
The Wavecom Eavesdropping Threat
Video Signal Eavesdropping Threat
Detection, Isolation, and Evaluation of Spread Spectrum Signals
No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution. |
Spectral Analysis of RF Bugging Devices
Time Domain Reflectometry Analysis (Wiretap Locating)
Time Domain Reflectometry Tutorial
We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth... For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it. -- Patrick Henry |
Executive Order 12333 - United States Intelligence Activities
Title 50, Chapter 36 - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Title 18, Chapter 119 - Oral, Wire, and Electronic Communications Interception
Title 18, Chapter 121 - Stored Wire and Electronic Communications Records Access
Title 18, Chapter 205 - Searches and Seizures
Title 18, Chapter 90 - Economic Espionage Act of 1996
Deepwater Doo Doo - U.S. Government Conned Out Of Several Tens of Billion Dollars
Antennas and Signal Acquisition
Demodulation and RF Intercept Equipment
Photographic and Imaging Instruments
Special Purpose Vehicle Consideration (SPV)
you free." - John 8:32 KJV

Cryptographic Devices and "Scramblers"

TSCM Product Catalog "Bug and Wiretap Detectors"

Equipment Index

| Home | What is TSCM | Types of Bugs | Warning Signs You're Bugged |
| How To Behave if Bugged | TSCM Threat Levels | How To Engage a TSCM Firm |
| Qualifications | TSCM Protocol | Bug Frequencies | Phone Taps and Bugging |
| Signal Analysis | TDR Analysis | TDR Tutorial | Wiretapping | Training | Tools |
| Equipment | OSC-5000 | Kaiser | Riser Bond | Avcom | Search Rcvrs |
| Outside Links | Recommended TSCM Books | TSCM Reference Library |
| Recommended U.S. TSCM Firms | TSCM-L Mailing List |
For a confidential consultation please E-mail:
Granite Island Group
Gloucester, MA 01930
Telephone: (202) 870-8252